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Royal Tunbridge Wells, also known as Tunbridge Wells, is a town in Kent, England. Located less than an hour from London, Tunbridge Wells has been a popular place to visit since the discovery of Chalybeate Spring over 400 years ago. It is also one of the few towns in England to officially be given a royal title, which was granted in 1909. Situated within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the surrounding landscape features rolling hills, ancient woods, orchards and vineyards. The area is also known for its many castles, historic houses and gardens, making it the perfect destination for culture and garden lovers.
Visit The Pantiles, a pedestrianised street with gorgeous Georgian architecture filled with quaint shops, boutiques, bars and cafes. Stroll through the 78-acre Dunorlan Park and appreciate the Victorian gardens and boating lake. Scotney Castle is only a short drive away and is as fairy-tale like as castles come. Or head for Sissinghurst Castle and Gardens, one of the world’s most celebrated gardens, created by Vita Sackville-West and her husband Harold Nicholson. Leeds Castle can also be easily reached from the town. Set on two islands, visitors can uncover over 900 years of the castle’s history, explore the extensive grounds and visit the aviary.