Airborne Museum tickets & tours

Tour di un'intera giornata nello Utah, Omaha e nei settori aviotrasportati degli Stati Uniti
Prenota ora il tuo tour di un'intera giornata dei siti della Normandia e scopri tutti i luoghi di battaglia più significativi della Seconda Guerra Mondiale.

Biglietto d'ingresso all'Airborne Museum
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Un po' di storia
Get the most realistic look into the period and incidents of the World War II Normandy landings at France’s Airborne Museum. Located in the centre of Sainte-Mère-Église, right across from the bell tower where parachutist John Steele was famously suspended, this historically accurate museum depicts everything related to the D-Day operation that began on June 6, 1944, from the invasion preparations to the battles for liberation.
At the Airborne Museum, learn all there is to know about the transformative D-Day operation through the testimonies and personal recollections donated by American veterans. The museum also holds over 10,000 items and memorabilia including a real Waco CG-4 glider, C-47 planes, and more so you can get face-to-face with history.