Eksploruj miejsca i atrakcje dzięki ekskluzywnemu dostępowi i praktycznym wycieczkom opartym na istniejących relacjach National Geographic na całym świecie
Ta atrakcja spełnia kryteria Światowej Rady Turystyki Zrównoważonej. Wybierając ją, chronisz miejsca, które kochasz, dbasz o środowisko i wspierasz lokalną społeczność
Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś miłośnikiem historii, kultury, gastronomii, ochrony środowiska, natury, przygody czy fotografii, wycieczki są zaprojektowane tak, aby zaspokoić Twoją ciekawość
National Geographic Partners, LLC. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPEDITIONS i Yellow Border Design to znaki towarowe Towarzystwa National Geographic używane na mocy licencji
Philippos Yiapanis, a renowned Cypriot sculptor, was born in Famagusta in what is now the occupied Northern part of Cyprus. His life took a tumultuous turn when he was captured and incarcerated during the Turkish invasion, subsequently becoming a refugee in South Cyprus. His artistry is a manifestation of his deep longing for freedom and a vivid representation of local history. On this tour, you will meet the artist who will lead you on an exclusive visit to his museum where around 140 sculptures are on display.
As well as discovering the inspiration behind some of his most powerful works, you'll also find out about the recent history of Cyprus and explore the artist's personal experiences, narrated through his compelling storytelling. On arrival at the Art Nest Museum, Philippos will welcome you personally, providing an insight into his life and work, giving you an understanding of the emotions that underpin his creations.
You will then take time to explore the open-air sculpture park, and finish with a peek at the artistic process. A tour of the artist's workshop reveals his techniques for working in bronze, chosen to ensure the longevity of his pieces, to reflect the connection between Cyprus and copper, and to represent his enduring hope for unity in his divided homeland.
Round off the experience enjoying local cuisine prepared in Kouklia village, reflecting on Cyprus's unique fusion of art, history, and culinary tradition.
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