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Orchideeën Hoeve tickets & tours

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Um pouco da história

The Orchideeën Hoeve is a 25,000 square metre indoor jungle park situated just outside Emmeloord to the northeast of Amsterdam. The popular, all-ages attraction emulates a tropical rainforest with its several themed gardens overflowing with jungle flora and fauna.

Orchideeën Hoeve offers you the chance to embark on a tropical adventure and encounter exotic plants and animals while in the Netherlands. Highlights of the Orchideeën Hoeve include the SkyFlora Garden, with its thousands of colourful flowers, and the Butterfly Valley, Europe’s largest butterfly garden containing more than 2,000 butterflies.

Furthermore, you certainly can’t miss the Meerkat Garden and Lemur Kingdom, some favourites among visitors to the park. The curious little animals found in these gardens are sure to effortlessly entertain you and your party.

Open seven days a week, the Orchideeën Hoeve is a must-see for any wildlife lover.

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Como chegar até lá

Orchideeën Hoeve Oosterringweg 34, 8315 PV Luttelgeest, Netherlands Emmeloord