Caves of San Jose tours and tickets

Giro in barca alle grotte di San José a Valencia
Preparatevi a scoprire le labirintiche Grotte di San José. In questo tour guidato da Valencia, navigherete lungo il fiume sotterraneo navigabile più lungo d'Europa.
en, es

Visita guidata alle grotte di San José con giro in barca da Valencia
Esplorate le grotte di San Jose, dove la temperatura si mantiene costantemente sui 20 °C tutto l'anno, e godetevi un giro in barca lungo il corso d'acqua.
en, es

Valencia Caves of San José Boat Tour in Italian
Get ready to discover the labyrinthine Caves of San José. You'll sail along the longest navigable underground river in Europe.
Le migliori attrazioni di Valencia
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Un po' di storia
The Caves of San Jose are set within the raw and rugged Sierra de Espadan Natural Park, just 40 minutes from Valencia. But you’ll feel a million miles away from city life as you explore this prehistoric underground labyrinth. Hop on a boat or kayak for a tour along one of Europe’s longest underground rivers, which is loaded with stalagmites, stalactites and warped-looking rock formations. It opens up into large chambers like ‘the Cathedral’ and ‘the Bat Room’, all of which have been shaped by nature over thousands of years. As you glide along, keep an eye out for UNESCO-protected ancient cave paintings drawn by native communities around 30,000 years ago. If you’re craving some daylight after exploring underground, there’s also an archaeological complex that delves into life here during the Iberian Age and the days of the Roman Empire.